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Be a Preferred Dentist for Physician Referrals in Sleep by Becoming an ASBA Diplomate

March 16, 2017

The American Sleep and Breathing Academy (ASBA), the premier academy for dental sleep medicine education and practice management, has partnered with The American Board of Sleep and Breathing (ABSB). The ABSB is an independent organization that provides a Diplomate designation for dentists who provide evidence of knowledge and skill in the provision of oral appliance therapy for sleep and breathing disorders. The certification program within the ASBA/ABSB exists purely for the certification of dentists in dental sleep medicine.

Dentists that complete the ABSB certification program will know that they have taken part in a rigorous process that enables them to create a superior product. It will enable them to treat more patients with oral appliance therapy and positional therapy, in a more efficient and cost effective manner.

According to most states Dental Practice Acts, dentists are allowed to diagnose and treat dental disease as needed. However, in the DSM arena, this is not the case. In the DSM arena, the dentist is allowed to treat a life threatening medical condition, after they have been diagnosed by a physician. Physicians are obligated to provide the best care for their patients, therefore they must be overly fastidious when it comes to referrals. Physicians are required to be certified in their field, and if you are a sleep dentist, certification in your field will eventually be mandatory. The 2017 certification exam for the American Sleep and Breathing Academy is scheduled for April 23, 2017, in Phoenix, AZ with the Exam Review Course being April 20, 2017. If you are interested in becoming a Diplomate of the ASBA, CLICK HERE or email

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