When I was overweight, untreated sleep apnea was the root cause. Like many with airway issues that impact growth, I was never breastfed as a baby and was a traditional mouth breather during early childhood. Additionally, I had the classic allergies and forward head posture commonly seen in children with airway problems and/or sleep breathing disorders. After my family immigrated to the US, my parents worked tirelessly to provide the “American Dream” for my brother and me.
My diet often consisted of fast food, processed meals loaded with preservatives, and the unappetizing lunches served at school. This Westernized lifestyle, combined with poor nutrition, contributed to my snoring like a freight train. In fact, my whole family snored, and we used to laugh at the noise we made throughout the night. Little did I know back then, that quality sleep was crucial for my overall well-being, health, and potential to excel every day. Despite my strong work ethic and drive, which led me to earn scholarships and grants to attend the University of Michigan’s Preferred Admissions Program, my health struggles were significant. The program allowed only two students per year to be accepted and enabled me to become a full practitioner dentist at age 24 with both DDS and BS degrees.
However, life was far more challenging than it needed to be due to sleep apnea. Before I became an expert in sleep medicine, I had no idea that my health issues stemmed from poor sleep. From waking up frequently at night to working twice as hard in school to achieve excellence, every activity and project was unnecessarily difficult. Even during dental school, where sleep medicine wasn't taught, my lack of knowledge about proper sleep and nutrition worsened my health as stress increased. I became a “stress eater,” and my eating frequency and poor food choices exacerbated my health issues in a vicious cycle. Daytime sleepiness forced me to push myself harder, knowing I aimed to be the best in my field.
Throughout my life, I tried almost every diet plan and exercise program available. Without understanding the importance of proper sleep and the impact of leptin and ghrelin, my weight fluctuated despite various programs. From Atkins and Paleo diets to exercise routines like “P90X” and Shaun T, I would lose weight only to gain it back. Stress levels and abandonment of these regimes made it even harder. Even as a nationally award-winning cosmetic dentist, I often needed naps during the day. I now wonder how much more I could have achieved if I had started my career with knowledge of sleep medicine.
After gaining credentials in various cosmetic and implant dentistry academies, I opened a second clinic in Anchorage, Alaska. As the business grew, so did my stress and health issues. I had uncontrolled hypertension, which required multiple medications, and intense GERD, for which I relied on Nexium. My sleep was fragmented, and I was well over 350 pounds, with blood panels showing alarming cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The cycle seemed to be spiraling toward early death, and I knew something was missing. My employees, friends, and family were concerned about the risk of a sudden cardiovascular event. It was then that dental sleep medicine saved my life.
Reflecting on it, I also believe I extended my parents’ lives by addressing their sleep apnea issues. None of our primary care physicians or healthcare providers discussed sleep with us, and their answers never involved questions about our sleep quality. I learned early on that “what we don’t know, we don’t know.” I don’t blame the primary care physicians, as their medical and dental education in sleep medicine was minimal. Evidence-based literature now shows a myriad of serious systemic problems stemming from poor sleep quality, but it is encouraging that awareness is growing. New medications like Ozempic are also helping people with weight loss and other issues.
When I first learned about sleep medicine, I began with my own sleep study. The results revealed an RDI of 38 and frequent oxygen desaturation into the low 80s. I was in sympathetic overload every night, and I was unaware of how detrimental this was to my overall health and recovery. Additionally, acid burns and erosion of my teeth, along with terrifying sleep bruxism, contributed to my misery and stress. As I am CPAP intolerant, I delved into treatment options in dental sleep medicine. I urgently needed a customized oral appliance, and as I pursued triple board certification in DSM, I also incorporated myofunctional therapy and expansion appliances.
All these appliances demonstrated benefits, such as increasing mitochondria in cells, which led to more rapid cell turnover, improved metabolism, and more profound weight loss. Achieving quality N3 slow-wave sleep and 25% REM sleep allowed me to conquer my weight issues in addition to my sleep problems. I challenged myself further by enrolling in a three-year Jinen Ryu Okinawan Karate program to attain a black belt. Overcoming childhood struggles and self-esteem issues, I told myself, “I can do this.” The journey was incredibly challenging, but as I lost weight and gained energy, I found the progress in weight loss and strength astonishing.
Achieving my black belt involved enduring grueling tests, including an eight-hour endurance test. Afterward, I felt immense pride in my achievement. With my new physique and muscular build, I gained confidence and was even approached by the Hell’s Angels. It has been amazing working with Angels’ President, Brian Cey.
I conquered the uphill struggle and demonstrated that perseverance can lead to transformative results. The black belt gave me not only confidence but also clarity about my calling: to make a difference in sleep apnea education, awareness, and treatment. After losing over 135 pounds, my RDI dropped to 4.8, and my oxygen levels remained above 90. My health improved dramatically, with all my panels returning to normal ranges. I hired a personal trainer, a retired army ranger, and achieved impressive physical feats, including 20 pull-ups in a single gym session.
I wish I had the health and body I have now during grade school, as I could have excelled in sports. Reflecting on my journey, from learning about sleep medicine to enduring intense physical challenges, I recognize how it all connects to my calling. I am committed to educating others and spreading awareness about sleep medicine and treatment.