David Gergen will lead the delegation of a committee formed with American Sleep and Breathing Academy members that will be presenting to a Caucus Committee of Congress. The hearing is scheduled for September 27, 2016 and it is estimated that 60-80 congressmen, senators and regulators will be in attendance. “David Gergen, CEO of the ASBA, selected this team,” says Dr. Elliott Alpher who will be the moderator for the hearing. Gergen stated, “Our objective is to make oral appliances the true benchmark for mild to moderate sleep apnea. We know big CPAP manufacturers have their lobbyists to ensure that does not happen, even though in 2006 the government said oral appliances should be a treatment option. We’re fighting every step of the way.”
Earlier this year, under the direction of David Gergen, over 100 comments were submitted by ASBA members to regulators who are charged with overseeing the transportation industry. David Gergen says, “The law makers want solutions and oral appliances are becoming the answer. They are paying attention to the problem as evidence by their decision to extend the commenting period online two months ago. I give credit to our ASBA members; they did a great job by being proactive and it paid off.”
Dr. Neal Seltzer out of Long Island, NY is one of the dental sleep professionals chosen by Gergen to speak in Washington D.C. because he “views Dr. Seltzer as one of the top guys in the profession. Not just a fantastic sleep dentist but a fantastic person.”
When Dr. Seltzer heard the announcement that the ASBA was going to speak with Congress he said, ““David Gergen has done more for dental sleep medicine in four years than the entire industry has done in 30. He is turning this industry on its ear. Joining the ASBA is one way to encourage that kind of leadership and ensure that the dental sleep community continues to progress in the right direction.” The agenda will be as follows:
Dr. Elliott Alpher-Overview
Dr. Neal Seltzer-OAT/What it is and how it works
Dr. Richard Klein-TMJ
David Gergen-Working with NFL greats across the country
Roy Green, Marcus Allen, Eric Dickerson-NFL player personal testimonies
Dr. Dave Singh-Non-surgical upper airway remodeling
Dr. Neal Seltzer-Microrecorder to prove compliance in custom device
Dr. Rudi Ferrate-CPAP is overprescribed
Dr. Kent Smith-Recap