I have been involved with the American Sleep and Breathing Academy since its inception. I have felt that non vendor education is the best way to advance the profession and I have participated with the team to educate and advance Oral Appliance therapy as a first line treatment for OSA. In addition to CE, study clubs and the Diplomacy the ASBA has given me the opportunity to participate in some really interesting events outside of my usual practice.
This weekend I was invited by David Gergen, the ASBA Executive Director to come to Las Vegas to catch up with retired NFL great Eric Dickerson who was in Las Vegas for the Cotto vs Canelo fight. I specialize in the treatment of Orofacial Pain and the Treatment of Sleep Disordered breathing in Encinitas California. As a pilot I said sure and hopping over to Las Vegas is only an hour and 20 minutes.
Once in Vegas David ushered me to the penthouse suite of the Mandalay Bay Casino to meet Eric. I am not easily impressed by a hotel room, however, the hotel room in “The Hangover” was coming to mind, expecting to hear Phil Collins and Iron Mike playing the air drum solo.
As it turned out my patient Eric had completed some dental work making the fit of his appliance no longer acceptable and Penny, his wife, had contacted us for HELP, as her peaceful night of sleep had become not so peaceful. With a little problem solving an over the counter appliance seemed to be the best bridge solution and well a ZQuiet did the job.
A quick update of the info and health history confirmed that no contraindications or change in plan was needed and we would continue use of appliance use as his primary care plan. Bada bing, bada boom and we had what was needed. For the two of you who don’t know the ZQuiet professional. With a good polyvinyl impression and bite, the device we receive is without equal in fit and comfort and I trust me in the last 20 years of sleep practice I have made em all.
The final appliance will be ready in a couple weeks and both Eric and his wife are looking forward to it.
After the business was out of the way it was time to settle in to the VIP suite and ringside seats for the fight. I have been to a few title fights in the past but I have to say these seats were incredible. I was so close I woke up this morning with bruises.
After the fight David included me in the after fight party in the high roller room at the Mandalay Bay Casino. There’s quite a buzz with lots of excitement that the celebrity fight attendees bring, NFL greats, NBA royalty and many others from all areas of the entertainment industry were there and I had a great time. David took me over to one of the tables where he introduced me to his friend NBA great Charles Barkley, who seemed to be having a great time.
Once I realized that it was getting late (rather early) I headed back to Atlantic Aviation and flew myself home. I know that these ASBA experiences will keep on coming and I am looking forward to it.
Brad Eli DMD, MS