Following up on the FMCSA-2015-0419 presentation during the recent Sleep & Wellness conference on behalf of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy, please note the following important instructions with regards to comment ""In the Matter of Medical Certification of Transportation Workers in Safety Sensitive Positions; Individuals Exhibiting Risk Factors for Moderate-to-Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea"".
NB: FMCSA-2015-0419 - Deadline for Comment is June 8, 2016
a) To review comments
b) To add comment
Comment Guide (not all steps are necessary, this is just a helpful checklist);
i. Present your credentials and relevant experience. Be sure to mention you are a member of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy ‘ASBA’.
ii. Be concise and support your claims
iii. Add scientific evidence from dental sleep medicine sources and literature. Include scientific studies on oral appliance therapy and your own experience as an expert.
iv. Address trade-offs and opposing views.
v. Include the costs and benefits to patients of your approach. It is especially important for oral appliance therapy to address costs and compliance.
Comments are not votes, but one well supported comment is more influential than a thousand form letters.
The ASBA needs to speak up with one voice about this important issue.
Erin E. Elliott
American Sleep and Breathing Academy