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Dr. Stanley Dintcho, ASBA Diplomate, Participates In LHF/PAF Health Screening For Former NFL Players

October 30, 2019

San Francisco, CA: With September coming to an end, so was the tour of Living Heart Foundation (LHF) and Professional Athletes Foundation's (PAF) nationwide health screening events for former NFL players. In the second to last screening being held of 2019, American Sleep and Breathing Academy Diplomate, Dr. Stanley Dintcho was invited by Pro Player Health Alliance (PPHA) to oversee the sleep apnea station which was one of the several health evaluation stops for players at the event. The event is part of LHF's HOPE (Heart, Obesity, Prevention & Education) program that is a comprehensive obesity research initiative designed to promote healthy lifestyles and weight-management among former professional football players.

Throughout the screening, former players are scheduled to undergo a brief oral exam and review their answers from a STOP-BANG or Epworth Sleepiness Questionnaire with the screening staff. After educating them on the effects of untreated sleep apnea, they are offered to take a Home Sleep Test (HST), provided by Ez Sleep In-Home Testing, which monitors the player's sleep and is used to diagnose sleep apnea. Thanks to the benefits of the PAF, former players are able to receive diagnostics and treatment with no out-of-pocket cost. Treatments for OSA, when medically indicated, typically include oral appliances made by Gergen's Sleep Appliance Lab or CPAP. 

David Gergen, CEO of PPHA, has said, "The relationships created between our diplomates and the former players have lead to an enormous spike in community outreach/awareness of obstructive sleep apnea in those communities." Dr. Dintcho says, "For the many athletes that attended, it shows the great commitment retired athletes have for taking the best preventive care and treatments available. They are all awesome individuals of talent off the field as they were on the field. Retired Athletes of the Bay Area know how treating Sleep Apnea as soon as possible; along with Great Oral Care Promotes Greater Health Benefits and Longevity."

Dr. Stanley Dintcho graduated from Temple University School of Dentistry in Philadelphia, PA, in 1970. Upon graduation, Dr. Dintcho answered the call to duty and served in the US military as Captain in the US Air Force. In 1972, he returned to civilian life and opened the doors to his dental practice, where he continues to utilize state-of-the-art technology and revolutionary treatment methods in dentistry. Dr. Dintcho’s unique, personable style of quality-packed consultative dentistry known as the Dintcho Method has created a very loyal clientele. Dr. Dintcho continues to pursue his greatest passion: dentistry.


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