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Attention Dentists-David Gergen In First National Live Webinar Speaks on Working With NFL

July 5, 2016

Imagine being the talk of every dentist in your area...when they look at your practice, they will all wish they were you.  That’s exactly what happens when you have a unique competitive advantage-something that can’t be duplicated, replicated, or ripped off.

How many times have you acquired a new piece of equipment just to discover your nearest competitor did too?  Or how frustrating is it to invest time, money, and effort perfecting a new marketing technique, just do find out the dentist down the street ripped you off word for word?  The problem is: tools, techniques, and marketing can all be “borrowed.”

GergenNFLPlayers2However, you can easily create a unique competitive advantage and become the envy of every other dentist.  It all comes down to the type of patients you have in your chair.  The most successful dentists understand they have to attract the right type of patient, because even one of the right type of patient, will lead a flood of others to your door.

Register now to discover how you can create an exclusive competitive advantage that’s specifically engineered to drive patients to your door.  The webinar will be today, Tuesday July 5 at 8 PM eastern.  Click HERE to register

So how do you create a unique competitive advantage and become the envy of every other dentist in your area? Simple: by working with professional athletes.

Every single one of these athletes has one thing in common: they need a dentist who will not only help them with their oral hygiene needs, but who understands how to treat sleep apnea.  You see, contrary to popular belief, athletes are more prone to suffer from sleep apnea --and yet, like the general public, sleep apnea is diagnosed and treated less than 2% of the time.  In fact, untreated sleep apnea caused the premature death of NFL legend Reggie White and NBA superstar Moses Malone.

All this has led to David Gergen and Pro Player Health Alliance to create a new division called Dentists and Athletes Unite for Sleep (DAUS).

David Gergen is considered a pro in his own industry...working with/helping NFL and NBA legends Marcus Allen, Eric Dickerson, Roy Green, Derek Kennard, Tony Dorsett, Charles Barkley and hundreds more with sleep apnea needs. As a result of a combined effort by the Pro Player Health Alliance team, Dr. Mark Castle and Arrowhead Pro Sleep, 3,000 people attended the Pro Player Health Alliance Sleep Apnea Awareness EventJanuary 26, 2016. As a member of the DAUS, an event of this caliber is available to you.

DAUS is creating additional awareness with professional athletes to ensure they get the treatment they need; this means there is massive opportunity for you and your practice, but you must act quickly...

Of the “ideal” markets across the US (where there is a high concentration of active and retired professional athletes) there are fewer than 35 markets still available.

One of these athletes can be the source of dozens of new patients (because, as we all know, “We want to be like Mike.”)  But we’re not talking about just one athlete, we are talking about dozens coming to your practice and, in turn, helping you help others. That is how you become the top of the town and how you become the envy of every dentist out there. That is what we will talking about in this upcoming webinar.

Today, Tuesday July 5 at 8 PM eastern.  Click HERE to register

Register now to be part of this exclusive opportunity. Will you be the one dentist that everybody wants to be, or will you be stuck trying to compete against that dentist?  The marketing and publicity you will receive from just one athlete in your practice is PRICELESS.  Imagine your practice when dozens of these athletes make their way to your office for treatment.

Sign up now to participate in this week’s webinar and discover the secret of using a celebrity in your practice; something only the American Sleep and Breathing Academy can offer you.

Today, Tuesday July 5 at 8 PM eastern.  Click HERE to register

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