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ASBA Diplomates Will be Participating in a Sleep Diagnostic and Therapeutic Health Program at the 2017 NFLPA Annual Meeting

March 17, 2017
Dr. Archie Roberts-Founder Living Heart Foundation, David Gergen-CEO ASBA, Isiah Robertson-NFL HOF Linebacker, Dr. Harry Sugg-ASBA Diplomate

Dr. Archie Roberts-Founder Living Heart Foundation, David Gergen-CEO ASBA, Isiah Robertson-NFL HOF Linebacker, Dr. Harry Sugg-ASBA Diplomate

The NFLPA's annual meeting will be located in Scottsdale, AZ during March 17-21. The meeting is intended for positional elections, news conferences, reviews concerning wages, hours and working conditions and discussing rights as professional football players in the National Football League. This year's agenda will be slightly different. Being added to the sold out event will be former player screenings for overall health which will include vision, hearing, blood work, pulmonology, sleep apnea and more.

Due to the record breaking amount of former players who registered for the screening, it was necessary to make the screening a two day event - March 19-20. American Sleep and Breathing Academy (ASBA) Diplomates (Dr. Dian Olah, Dr. Anthony Scianni, Dr. Kevin Mueller and Dr. Mark Castle) were chosen by David Gergen, CEO of the ASBA, to handle all sleep apnea screening, testing, oral appliance delivery and impression materials.

Screenings of this nature are held nationwide throughout the year thanks to the efforts of the NFLPA, Living Heart Foundation and Pro Player Health Alliance. On average, ASBA Diplomates who participate in the screenings see anywhere from 20-40 NFL patients. To become a Diplomate of the ASBA and find out how to work with retired NFL players in need of sleep apnea treatment, register to sit for the next Diplomacy exam at

Event Details

Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa/Gainey Ranch
7500 E. Doubletree Ranch Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85258
United States

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