Every major entertainment medium over the years has taken a shot at the snoring sufferer. Who hasn't seen the movie scenes of grandpa snoring on the couch after dinner. Or the print ad of the two old guys asleep in their chairs at the club head thrown back with their mouths wide open snoring away. The jokes about how snoring and sleep apnea affect marital relations are so numerous it is impossible to pick just one as an example.
This condition is well known as a cause of embarrassment. It is in part due to its prevalence, considered more common than sinusitis. Or perhaps that most sufferers have resigned themselves to a life of sleeping in the back bedroom. One in three people suffer from sleep disordered breathing. The co morbidities are well known, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. All serious conditions requiring a serious response.
Where humor can be useful is when the we need to attract attention to educate and inform patients and their loved ones.San Francisco internist Dr Zubin Damania is known as as ZDogg a speaker who writes, performs, and produces award-winning medical rap videos that educate and entertain. The power to entertain and educate is a gift and Dr Damania is excellent he can be reached through his website www.zdoggmd.com for medical entertainment that is slightly funnier than placebo.