Dr. Dian Olah, NFL Great Ricky Ellis, Adriana Guzman
In a recently well planned initiative orchestrated by Pro Player Health Alliance and Living Heart Foundation, free overall health screenings are available nationwide to retired NFL players throughout the year. Due to the high standards of excellence set for the players, the sleep apnea screenings are overseen exclusively by American Sleep and Breathing Academy (ASBA) diplomates. Dr. Dian Olah, DMD, D’ASBA, said, “About one month ago David Gergen asked me to assist with an overall health screening for former NFL players at the annual NFLPA meeting in Scottsdale, AZ. I was excited and honored to have the opportunity to join a team of 3 other ASBA diplomates in helping the retired players with their sleep apnea needs; unbeknownst to me, David had even more plans for me in the works.”
While these screenings are revolutionary in regards to awareness of player health, they have become the exact model of the perfect system that gives a patient the best odds for successfully improving their quality of life- doctors of different fields coming together and working as one team to ensure the best results are seen. For example, the ASBA doctors overseeing sleep apnea screenings saw Dr. Jose Del Ocampo, M.D., one of Arizona's top neurologists and Medical Director for Arrowhead Pro Sleep, directly next to them. This provided the opportunity for instant collaboration between two doctors that yielded unrivaled patient care.
After the event concluded, news of Dr. Olah’s work with the players quickly spread. This directly led to Beverly Hills Sleep Center’s director and a 204 bed private hospital's medical director choosing Dr. Dian Olah as their oral appliance therapy patient referral designation. Dr. Olah's assistant said, “She [Dian] actually cried tears of joy when she found out the sleep center and hospital were going to refer all of their oral appliance therapy cases to her for sleep apnea treatment. She said David Gergen was a godsend and couldn't believe he didn't tell her all of this was going to happen. It was a pleasant surprise to say the least.” Dr. Olah added to her response by saying, “I wish I would have joined the ASBA years ago. My sleep practice would have been so much more successful so much earlier. What this academy has going on really is magical. The Pro Player Health Alliance under promises and extremely over delivers. I cannot say enough good things about David Gergen, Pro Player Health Alliance and the ASBA.”
To learn more about treating former NFL players call David Gergen at 602-478-9713.
To learn more about the American Sleep and Breathing Academy or become a diplomate of the academy visit sleep-conference.com.