When you decide to attend a dental sleep educational course, where do you begin? You have to know who you’re learning from, credentials/experience of the organization and it’s speakers, and the method of instruction that will provide you with the desired outcome. At the ASBA Study Club you will be educated from A-Z on how to build a million-dollar practice, from experts who are actually doing it in the industry, and who know the model inside and out. The mentors presenting in this course include Rod Willey, Kevin Mueller, Kent Smith, and Larry Tilley, all of which made this decision to attend this function and start their success stories. To be a mentor and be spotlighted by the ASBA, you are required to have done $1 million a year in sleep medicine. This means that these expert sleep doctors have the proven skills to back up the wisdom they share. Register now for the ASBA Study Club, what Dr. Harry Sugg in Dallas, TX said is, "Hands down the best dental sleep education I've ever received".
The ASBA hosts regular courses with the goal to revolutionize the Academy Doctor relationship by assisting thousands of dental practices integrate sleep medicine into their practice. On December 9th and 10th, you will be given the final opportunity in 2016 to learn these valuable skills. These professionals will show you peer to peer what to do, what not to do and how to locate patients and get them through your door. While the speakers will have presentations, they won't just be presenting. This is a workshop geared course, designed to help you excel by educating you in a Q&A type environment for you and your staff. After attending, you will be able to return home and have an immediate positive impact on your dental sleep practice.
This learning experience is in an elite and non-vendor atmosphere, where practitioners who have built million-dollar practices will offer their combined experience of treating over 4,000 cases. Remember 6 years ago, Rod Willey, the biggest stand-alone sleep practice in America, and Paul Vanwalleghem who has done over $1.5 million in sleep, JC Goodwin, another giant in the industry, all sat in on this very same study club.
You can register at https://asba.net/
For more info call 602-478-9713 or email info@myasba.com