The American Sleep and Breathing Academy (ASBA) is pleased to announce two new mini-residencies in dental sleep medicine. With Dr. Jay Gerber on faculty at the University of West Virginia and Dr. Kevin Mueller at Midwestern University in Phoenix, AZ, the ASBA is proud to have expanded elite programs covering the east and west coast.
Each of the mini-residencies’ sessions will be overseen and taught by ASBA diplomates who have a combined experience of over a century treating obstructive sleep apnea patients with oral appliance therapy. The curriculum will be unparalleled featuring hands on sessions, patient perspectives, lectures from the most successful dental sleep experts in the country, case presentations for mild-severe patients, oral appliance selection protocol and how TMD is related to sleep disordered breathing.
Upon completion, the students will understand adult/pediatric obstructive sleep apnea, central apnea, other sleep related disorders, upper airway resistance syndrome, health risks of leaving sleep apnea untreated, treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in a dental office and the ramifications of sleep deprivation. Exclusive online learning material through the American Sleep and Breathing Academy such as webinars, modules and downloadable content will available to students who earn their “Certification of Completion”.
Source: Skylar Faulkner | Public Relations